Todd: OK, Keith, we're back here in the city. I'm going to ask you some questions about where you live. First, is there a libray by your house?
Keith: No, no libraries near me.
Todd: No, that's too bad. Do you like to read?
Keith: Sure, I love to read.
Todd: OK. Where do you get you books?
Keith: Well, I usually buy them at Tower Records or I order them through
Todd: OK. Note: this is not an advertisement. OK. Next one, is there a park by your house.
Keith: Park, yeah, there's actually two small ones.
Todd: Do you go there very often?
Keith: No, not to often, because usually I don't get home from work until pretty late. Not a lot of part-time in my schedule.
Todd: OK. So hang on. We've got to let the car go by here. Actually, lots of cars here. Lots of traffic. Is there lot of traffic where you live?
Keith: Oh, yeah, in the day time cause there's a lot of shops around my apartment, or near my apartment. But at night time it's pretty quiet.
Todd: OK. Great. Thanks Keith.
Keith: You're welcome.