I agree that sometimes people have to do things that they don't enjoy doing, but it is a basic part of being an adult. Meanwhile, we have to agree that some things that are not fun are still good for us in the long run.
Firstly, take personal tasks for example. Who enjoy going to the hospital? There are very few people enjoy going to hospital. Most of them go to the hospital just because they are sick and have to do it. Not a lot of people enjoy changing the oil in their car or doing housework. These are many things we do just because we have to, not because we want to. If we do not change the oil in our cars, our cars won't run; and if we do not do housework, our houses will be messy.
Secondly, professional tasks are another good example. We don't like to stuck with a boring assignment or be told that we have to work with a person unpopular. When working in our company, sometimes we have to put up with unfair criticism from the supervisor or some unpleasant tasks that our supervisor asking us to complete. All these things are not fun, but we have to do just because we need this job to earn our living.
Besides, something that we don’t like to do can be found out to be interesting. For instance, a person, who do not like dancing, agree his friend to join a club. He may find himself enjoying dancing after it.
Doing those things that we do not like is quite unpleasant; however, it is a part of our life.